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CMP Annual Report 2024

2024 Annual Report

The Center for Materials Processing (CMP) at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, is an “Accomplished Center of Excellence” established in 1985 by the Tennessee Higher Education Commission (THEC). The mission of the CMP is to foster and promote teaching and research related to materials processing with the objective of providing technology that can be the starting point for new product development or provide solutions to problems related to the performance of materials improving industrial competitiveness. The mission is achieved by support of interdisciplinary research in departments across the campus. The faculty and students associated with the CMP conduct studies in their home academic departments.

The state appropriated funds from THEC are matched by support from industry, governmental agencies, faculty, and academic departments. Industrial support is provided through CMP Memberships, research contracts, and gifts.

The CMP has a close relationship with the research staff of UT-Battelle, LLC (Oak Ridge National Laboratory). Several UT faculty members have joint appointments as research staff at ORNL. Contracts from ORNL provide support for research faculty who conduct research as guest scientist/engineers at the facility.

Interdisciplinary Approach

Due to broad spectrum of materials processing, CMP’s research activities often require an interdisciplinary approach. Faculty and staff in the UT Tickle College of Engineering’s Department of Materials Science and Engineering provide a great deal of support, however, participating researchers come from a variety of engineering disciplines including aerospace, biomedical, chemical, civil, computer, electrical, mechanical, and nuclear engineering. Faculty from other UT colleges and schools are also involved in CMP research.

Annual Reports