What is your thesis topic?
Investigation of CH4-CO2 hydrate structure and dynamics with neutron scattering experiments and complementary simulations.
How is materials processing involved in your research?
I assembled a hydrate-synthesis lab, which is included in the JIAM ceramics laboratory, to synthesize gas hydrate powders at the required high pressure and low temperature conditions with CH4 and CO2 to be studied with neutron scattering.
Provide an example of where the material/process/properties you are studying might find an application.
I synthesize CH4, CO2, and mixed CH4-CO2 hydrates to perform structural studies with in situ total neutron scattering and dynamic studies with inelastic neutron scattering experiments. I use complimentary classical molecular dynamics simulations and density functional theory of these systems to complement neutron data analysis. These structural and thermodynamic studies will provide a comprehensive understanding of CO2-CH4 solid solutions, exchange kinetics, and implications on hydrate structure to better inform the production of CH4